Who knew there have been so many zucchini and produce shenanigans going on in the past years? Apparently, a few of you knew. For the rest of us who didn't know, here is a recap of the night we learned how to be more creative in our usage of the summer's produce.
It all began with Kaye Palmer and Eloise Fugal (of the 1st ward). It has since included many others like Carol Huntzinger, Betsy Neil, Betty Gibbons, and even Kathryn Rockhill provided her surplus to promote the creativity of these wonderful women.
It started with one prank here, another prank there, brought to pass out of boredom, a need for laughter, and way too many zucchini in the garden. Zucchini seeds were planted in the neighbor's flower pots, then a notice came from "The Society for the Prevention of the Indiscriminate Placing of Unwanted Zucchini". As a peace offering a "Zucchini Baby" was given, complete with pacifier, blanket, and instructions. But the pranks didn't stop there. At one point one neighbor came home to find her bathtub full of floating zucchini ships, upon which were the names: Titanic, Old Ironsides, USS Constitution, and the Queen Mary. There were numerous small yellow squash labeled as a back-scrubber, a soup dish, and a rubber ducky. One yellow squash had fallen into the toilet where it was left.
By this point it was no longer who could out-prank the other, it was all out war.

A large zucchini, with a sign that said, "Lindon's Greatest Threat: Zuclear War!" was given.
In retaliation, a whole box was shipped via UPS to a very unsuspecting neighbor. Insided was a plethora of green squash in a variety of sizes with the following poem attached:
'Twas the end of summer, and all over town,
The end of zucchini caused people to frown.
Fugals and Palmers had had quite a feud,
Squash often appeared, large and green-hued.
Each trick more outlandish than the one before,
To think up a new one became quite a chore.
Fugals wondered how to end this, oh, what could they do?
It would have to be good, that much they knew.
When all of a sudden inspiration did come,
Employ UPS, no need even to run.
So now you have it, our second retort,
We hope you enjoy it, the ball's in your court!
Of course, the story doesn't end there. In fact, the zucchini war will probably never end. Now that people know, there may even be more zucchini escapades going on throughout the neighborhood.

Here's some of the yummy food we enjoyed. All made with zucchini (recipes to come).

One of the many decorations Kaye put out on display.

Kaye was given "The Albert Einstein Award for Brillliance In the Art of Zucchini Warfare".

Many women brought extra produce from their yard to share with others.
Thank you to Kaye Palmer for sharing her stories, and thank you to all those who came and brought food for our zucchini night.